29 September 2008

Olowan and Ilo

walking along the river outside Saint-Lupicin.
Olowan (age 13) and Ilo (age 6) spent the weekend tutoring us in French. They are patient and speak slowly for us. They also speak Estonian, so we learned a few Estonian words as well. Jeff thinks if we could spend the next few months speaking with Ilo and Olowan we would progress much further in our language skills. I agree.

dîner de sanglier

dinner with Patrice Mayet and family
We visited our good friends Patrice and Airi and their children Olowan and Ilo last weekend. They live in Saint-Lupicin, in the Jura region of France, not far from the Swiss border.

Patrice's father made wild boar stew for our Saturday dinner. It was wonderful, chunks of boar marinated for hours in red wine, cooked for hours with thyme and served with polenta.

le retour des vaches

return of the cows to Saint-Cergue, Switzerland. The farmers bring their dairy cows down from the Alps summer pastures to lower altitude winter pasture. The cows have large bells on so the herders can keep track of their location in the high meadows.
photos by Airi Vaher, Jeff Vervoort, Kathleen Ryan

25 September 2008

wired together

bookstore in
Presqu'île peninsula, Lyon FR

24 September 2008

straight from the producteur

at the Croix Rousse market

figues at the market
Croix Rousse has the largest "bio" (organic) market in the region


door into one of the fortified walls of the city, at the top of a very long stair way. Graffiti is rampant. The graffiti removal team spent some time on our street this morning, removed a few markings, but their technique works best on modern concrete, not the stone and wood the predominates.
only 10 euros each

vieux Lyon

We move to vieux Lyon next week, across the Saone River. The apartment is 4 floors up, no lift, with a view of the Presqu'île. It's more like 6 or 7 floors up with the ceiling heights.


dîner de foie de poulet et radis, sur mâché

paella in the Saturday market

It's all downhill from here.

The view out the front window to montee Saint-Sebastien and Eglise Saint-Bernard across the street.

vue sur la cuisine fenetre

view out the kitchen window

This looks out into an interior courtyard. These interior passages are called traboules in Lyon. The traboules are walking passageways created to allow silk workers to travel from Crouix Rousse to the
Presqu'île peninsula (the city center of Lyon).

Gros Caillou

our "kitchen" in Gros Caillou. Gros Caillou is a neighborhood in Crouix Rousse, an arrondissement or borough in Lyon France. We are at the top of the north hill, with a view of the Rhone River and according to reports can see the Alps on a clear day, but not from this kitchen window.

Once I find a tape measure I am redesigning this kitchen.

23 September 2008

birthday dessert at Les Adret

chocolat fondant with lemon verbena sorbet and nougat glacé with fig
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